Academic Programs

Prep Start

A positive introduction to school is an important milestone in a child’s academic career.  Our Prep Start for students consists of Pre-K and Kindergarten classes.   With an emphasis on a developmentally appropriate curriculum that uses the Houghton Mifflin Reading Program, both grades ensure flexible grouping using a multi-sensory approach to ensure readiness for elementary school.

Global Tech

In grades 1-5 our Global Tech Program infuses Global Studies and Technology with a rigorous curriculum to engage learners. Students are encouraged to exercise leadership and interact as global citizens in their learning.  In a partnership with iEARN (International Education and Resource Network),  classes network with schools around the world to collaborate and enrich the instructional program through international projects.

Challenge Program

In grades 1-5 our Challenge Program emphasizes specific goals and objectives for Gifted learners using  a compacted curriculum. Class lessons focus on creativity and critical thinking based on strengths through an Educational Plan.